‘The Blacklist’ season 4, episode 8 (fall finale) preview: Is the end here for Alexander Kirk?
“The Blacklist” is one enormous moral dilemma for one Elizabeth Keen, as she is struggling with how to handle Alexander Kirk. From one vantage point, he’s an incredibly dangerous, pretty-terrible guy who craves manipulation and attention. Yet, at the same time, Liz believes that he is her father. That belief is a powerful thing, and the desire to have some semblance of normalcy understandably does things to her head. This brings us to the next all-new episode of the show entitled “Dr. Adrian Shaw: Conclusion,” which just so happens to also be the fall finale.
In setting this episode up, let’s remind you of the tradition for these episodes: The landscape is likely going to be very different by the time it comes to a conclusion. Also, we are sure there will be some sort of fun cliffhanger that will have fans talking until the show returns next year.
Synopsis – “Red (James Spader) pressures Dr. Shaw to locate a former patient. Liz (Megan Boone) contemplates the implications of her ties to an increasingly desperate and dangerous Alexander Kirk.”
Kirk is still alive despite his fate looking particularly grim during the first part of the episode; yet, we have a sinking suspicion it may not stay that way for long. We’ve already made our stance clear regarding just how long this man may have to live, and there is a tradition for this show eradicating many of its recurring villains by around the ten-episode mark. We’re starting to get to that place with Kirk.
Promo – In the video below, you can see Reddington offer up his own life for Liz’s after she is (seemingly) captured at the hospital, following the stunning news (at least to Kirk) that she is not actually his daughter. His life hangs in the balance, but somehow he will still find the time to get exceptionally angry and press Reddington for the answer everyone wants to know: Is he Liz’s father? Hopefully, the answer is no; regardless of whatever journey the show takes us on, that’s still the most predictable answer and with a show has imaginative writers like this one we expect there to be a better reason for Reddington’s devotion to Liz then “I’m your father”.
(Photo: NBC.)
Richard Castle
November 6, 2016 @ 5:22 pm
I have actually been done with Elizabeth Keen for some time. Her father storyline has interrupted why Reddington and “The Blacklist” story is all about. I would like to see more of Reddington tracking down bad guys.
Andrea Church
November 6, 2016 @ 6:16 am
I do not think that Red being Liz’s father would be predictable. In fact, I think the majority of fans believe he is her father as that’s whats been portrayed in his actions, words, and behavior towards her during the entire series.