‘The Fall’ season 3 finale video: See new Gillian Anderson – Jamie Dornan scene

FallTonight, the season and potentially series finale of “The Fall” is set to air on BBC Two, and we’ve got one final sneak peek for you below as to what to expect.

In this preview, the ball is in the court of Stella Gibson to try and prove once and for all that Paul Spector is of his own mind, and is capable of standing trial and spending the rest of his life in prison. Spector has spent most of the season claiming amnesia for some of his actions. This clip is somewhat haunting and introspective, and at the tail end of it, we don’t quite think you get too much of an indication one way or another regarding how Gibson is going to be able to move forward.

We’ve said it before on several occasions, and we do feel it’s worth saying again: This show needs to offer up some sort of conclusion during this episode. If they do not, they run the risk of never leaving their fans satisfied. There has never been much of a firm indicator that there could be any more of this story beyond tonight’s episode, so you almost have to plan ahead now as though the end is near. If there is a season 4 down the road, it could be incredibly different from everything that we’ve seen to date.

For now, just be sure to watch this sneak peek, and share your thoughts all about what you think is going to happen below. Personally, we do think that Gibson deserves relief in one way or another after everything she has been through on the series.

Want to get some additional news regarding “The Fall”? Then be sure to head over to the link here! That’s where you will find reviews and so much more leading up to tonight’s big episode. (Photo: BBC Two.)

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