‘The Blacklist’ season 4, episode 6 review: A mole, an arrest, and a baby in jeopardy

The Blacklist logo any seasonThere was a bit of inevitability in the air for Thursday night’s new episode of “The Blacklist,” mostly becuase NBC gave a little too much away in the promos for this episode. While it wasn’t confirmed that Amar’s new girlfriend Elodie was the mole, it certainly seemed that way thanks to an altercation.

Luckily, at least the way that the reveal came out proved to be rather entertaining, as he had to figure out a way to distract her in order to break into her operation. He was able to do that for the most part, but not before being found out. We do have to give Amar a little bit of credit for his quick-thinking here after completely bumbling through the first part of this mission, claiming that he was in love with someone else. Hey, consider this a nugget for Samar / Amar fans out there. Amar’s no secret agent, but he can still get the job done.

Eventually, we saw the meeting that we’ve been waiting for between Liz and Alexander Kirk, one that came about following an avalanche of trust issues and debates as to whether or not this was a man she really wanted to side with. The biggest issue that she faced here was the simple fact that he knew more information about Liz’s past than anyone, and unlike Reddington, he was willing to spill the beans on it.

Eventually, Kirk met with Liz, and after a violent showdown, we were particularly nervous that he was going to throw Agnes over the side. Yet, the baby and Liz were finally reunited, Kirk was arrested, and Mr. Kaplan was off being nursed back to health. Even Amar and Samar, who decided not to transfer, had a nice moment.

You had to assume that a crazy ending was coming after some momentary peace in the final minutes, but it really didn’t happen tonight. Given everything that we had encountered over the course of the past few episodes, there was a rather muted end this time with Red visiting Liz, Tom, and Agnes, telling them he understood their interesting in getting their own place Judging from the preview we saw afterwards, though, it feels safe to say things will be crazy again soon enough. Grade: B+.

(Photo: NBC.)

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