‘Saturday Night Live’ preview: Beck Bennett, Emily Blunt have some awkward pizza
This weekend marks the third new “Saturday Night Live” episode in three weeks, which if you ask us, is a rather fantastic way to start off the season. It’s not particularly often we get to see three in a row like that, let alone four given that Tom Hanks will also be coming on board the week after.
The new promo for Emily Blunt’s show below features her alongside Beck Bennett, as the two seem to be in the midst of one of the more awkward pizza dates in memory — mostly because it’s not actually a date at all, despite Beck’s hopes that it could be at one point. She’s married! The start of this actually feels like a Baby Boss sketch with Beck continually trying to take some of the grease off of his pizza; later, he tries to eat one of the props.
Also, kudos to Blunt for going along with the silliness, and at one point claiming that she played both the girl and the train in “The Girl on the Train.” Her “choo-choo” line is one of the more subtle, but enjoyable parts of this video.
While Blunt is a newcomer to the “SNL” stage, we get the inclination from watching this that she is going to be more than fine in the job. She’ll have a little bit of help in the form of musical guest Bruno Mars, who hosted the show previously (and to great success). We would personally be rather bummed if he did not make at least one cameo in a sketch before the end of the episode.
Want to see some highlights from this past episode hosted by Lin-Manuel Miranda? Then head over here, and stay tuned: Odds are, we’ll have some other promo featuring both Blunt and Mars a little bit later in the week. (Photo: NBC.)