‘Longmire’ season 6 debate: Should Walt start off jobless?

Longmire -While we await the renewal news on “Longmire” (for now, we’re going to continue to remain hopeful), in the coming days we’re going to present some story-related theme discussions to hopefully continue to have everyone engaged. For the sake of this one, we’re talking specifically about our title character, and a question that we’ve wondered ever since we finished watching the finale: Should Walt start off season 6 without a job?

While it may sound crazy to even suggest an idea, given that we all love Robert Taylor’s character as the Sheriff and it is odd to imagine him without the gig, there could be story advantages to making this move.

First and foremost, you could view it almost as a reset for the character. For much of the past two years, we’ve seen the character effectively get deeper and deeper in the hole. He’s been accused of more and more things, he’s fighting lawsuits, and he does not even have the support of the Mayor at present. There is something about distance making the heart grow fonder, and it is certainly possible that the county may not fully appreciate Walt for what he does until they don’t have him around doing it.

Also, there could be some tremendous entertainment in seeing Walt fight for his job back, whether it be doing some private investigating, him trying to work on the sly with The Ferg and Vic, or realizing that there are some changes to himself he needs to make. There’s something about a comeback story, and watching Walt rise from the ashes like a phoenix could be an excellent way to start season 6. In allowing him to win the lawsuit (we don’t want him losing that) and keeping his job, you maintain some of the status quo — which is certainly fine. This could just be another way to shake things up that really invigorates the base.

For now, it seems as though the only way Walt could lose his job is if he loses the lawsuit, but we don’t buy that entirely. Given how many people are breathing down his neck, we could imagine quite a few people gunning for his head, and sooner rather than later.

Now, we turn this over to you: Vote your sentiment in the comments or the poll! Also, take a look at our ‘Shiptober piece, which is themed largely around the Walt / Vic relationship. (Photo: Netflix.)


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