‘Big Brother OTT’ spoilers: The first nominations are in

Over the Top -

Today, the Nomination Ceremony happened in the “Big Brother: Over the Top” house, and in a way that was certainly interesting. We had names called out, and in turn, more green lights similar to how we saw yesterday.

So who did Head of Household Monte officially put on the block? It was none other than Jason and Danielle, otherwise known as the two who were speculated on for most of the day. Scott was the final named called safe, which was a deliberate move to better ensure that there was confusion as to who was in the most danger. Sure, it may seem a little obvious to us, but who knows exactly what people are thinking in the house sometimes? There’s always a good chance for there to be a little bit of confusion.

While we’d say that Jason’s goose is cooked for sure, there are chances still for things to shake up. First and foremost, there’s the twist where America is going to nominate someone, and our guess is that it will be either Cornbread or Shane who goes up there. Either way, the reaction to that should be ridiculously entertaining. Following this, there is also the Power of Veto Competition coming on Monday. While Jason and “competition beast” are not often said in the same breath, Jason was impressive at the start of season 17. Not only that, but we don’t know what these competitions will be like on a smaller scale. There’s always a chance that it could be a game of luck.

We’ll see if anything major happens tonight; stay tuned!

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