‘Shameless’ season 7, episode 1 video: Lip returns from rehab
Is Lip starting to become more and more like his father Frank on “Shameless“? That’s a fear that we have following the end of last season, and it’s a fear that is further validated in the sneak peek below for Sunday’s season premiere.
Following Lip’s time in rehab, you really would want to see him in some sort of relative-safe space? In theory, the answer there is yes. Unfortunately, he’s taken it upon himself to go to a bar, and from there deliver what are apparently a complicated series of rules in which he wants to follow. He knows that he cannot drink on an empty stomach, and that he cannot allow himself to do so before 7:00 p.m. in the day.
So while he may have a code at the moment as to how he wants to live, here’s the question you have to wonder: How long is this going to stick? With this guy, it is perfectly easy to imagine him getting in some sort of massive pickle in which he feels the need to drink earlier, and then all of this was for waste and he is back to square one.
Ultimately, Lip is one of the remaining people who the series who we do definitely root for, mostly because we feel like he has a good heart and he’s certainly been through a lot. The same goes Fiona, a woman who is starting off this season in a very new place after her wedding went completely up in smoke during the finale.
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