‘Big Brother OTT’ spoilers: The latest HoH update; a quick-take on the ‘recap’
Tonight, “Big Brother: Over the Top” aired what is its first of what will potentially be a tradition during the week: Short recaps that air on the feeds at around 7:00 p.m. Big Brother Time. If you’ve got the feeds through CBS All Access, you can see it pop up at around the 7:01 minute mark specifically. (It’s also available in a separated video here.)
For those who don’t have them or haven’t seen it yet, you can probably think of these mostly as an extended version to some of the “previously on Big Brother” introductions you get before every new episode of the show. This one takes you through some of the introductions, gives you Jason’s suspicions on Alex and Morgan being related, and by the end of it, you see the beginning of the Head of Household Competition where one person “infects” another until there is one person remaining who keeps the power.
These recaps are actually pretty fun — while they’re probably going to miss a lot if they all remain just over six minutes long, it’s at least a good download of the more important things that happened.
One of the issues with the feeds right now is that there is still no Head of Household, and as a result of that, there’s not much strategy. We know that Monte, Scott, Cornbread, and Shane have an alliance, but it’s day 2. The odds of this lasting longer than a couple of weeks are slim to none. Our feeling is that Danielle is the target, just because of Monte’s obsession with getting rid of a woman to even the numbers. For the record, Jason, Cornbread, Monte, Alex, and Whitney are all still eligible, and if Alex or Whitney get it, Jason could be in danger week one.
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