Is ‘Saturday Night Live’ new tonight? Another Fred Armisen highlight
Given that this weekend marks the official start of the fall season, we don’t think that it necessarily comes as much of a shock that there are expectations for a new episode of “Saturday Night Live” tonight. Why wouldn’t there be?
Unfortunately, there is no new episode tonight on NBC, as the network is opting to make you wait instead for October 1 in order to see the show premiere with Margot Robbie. This date has been set in stone for some time, so it’s not quite a situation where they decided on the fly to premiere at this point. If we had to guess a reason for the later start, it is to ensure that viewers of the show get a chance to finish off the month of September out in the sun, given that viewers tend to watch more TV in the colder months. This also gives the cast (which contains a few newbies) some more time to settle in.
Tonight, NBC is fittingly replaying the finale from season 41, which we do think is worth watching if you missed it for a pair of different sketches.
1. Fred Armisen’s one-man show – The former cast member delivers a great opening monologue, one that perfectly spoofs everything that is both good and wrong with some of these performances.
2. Farewell, Mr. Bunting – It’s a little too graphic to show off here, but look it up online. We don’t want to spoil it for anyone who hasn’t seen it already, but it may be in the top three best sketches of the entire season.
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