Is ‘The Amazing Race 29’ on tonight? Questions on the future

Amazing Race -

Tonight is the first Friday of the fall season, and that tends to mean one thing: We’re going to get a chance to see the premiere of “The Amazing Race” on CBS! Well, that’s what it typically means … but not tonight.

This fall, CBS has opted to go in a different direction, choosing to premiere “MacGyver” in the 8:00 p.m. Eastern timeslot previously occupied by “The Amazing Race”. The reasoning for this is that the ratings for “The Amazing Race” weren’t quite up to the level of most of the network’s other programming on Friday nights. It may be relatively cheap to produce in comparison to some scripted efforts, but the network knows that they can easily plug it in somewhere else down the road. Also, maybe there’s a sentiment that if there is only one season in a year, maybe that will make it feel like more of an event and boost ratings. Whether or not that is true remains to be seen. Survivor has two seasons a year and Big Brother is going to have 3 this year (Big Brother Canada, Big Brother USA, and Big Brother Over The Top) and their ratings are fairly solid.

As of right now, the only thing we know is that season 29 of “The Amazing Race” is scheduled for midseason, which could mean anything from January until early March depending on certain factors. We suppose that it could come earlier if a CBS show flops, but there’s no guarantee of that.

Rest assured that as soon as there is more news on the future of the Race, we’re going to have it for you here.

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