‘Gotham’ season 3 spoilers: New videos present Alfred, Lucius Fox perspectives

Alfred -Alfred and Lucius Fox remain two of the most interesting characters on “Gotham,” and they each carry with them a unique perspective that you are not going to necessarily find in many other incarnations of “Batman”. It’s with that in mind that it is a thrill to get a pair of videos accenting what their role in the story moving forward is going to be before we get to the “Gotham” premiere on Monday night.

Alfred – For our favorite butler, the story remains very much centered around the idea of protecting Master Bruce, which is going to become more and more of a difficult task as Bruce starts to feel as though he is more than capable of protecting himself. He’s going to strive to be more of a company man and more of a fighter on the streets. That’s exciting, but at the same time it is certainly dangerous and something that he will have to keep in mind as we move forward this season. It’s a good thing Alfred still knows how to kick butt since the list of Gotham villains is continuing to grow.

Lucius Fox – While we know in the comics that he is a valuable asset of Batman’s, for the upcoming season it looks like Lucius will become more of an ally for the GCPD, and be almost a replacement-of-sorts for Edward Nygma and Kris Kringle. he claims in the video that he knows where things stand at the GCPD, which may in turn be a step up from the morally-corrupe Wayne Enterprises. If nothing else, we know where he’s coming from here given what we’ve seen on the show so far.

The premiere episode tomorrow should be more than a little exciting, and we’re reading to have further news all about it at this link! Stay tuned…

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