‘Game of Thrones’ season 7 casting notice raises major questions

LogoHBO is not one to really comment these days on “Game of Thrones” castings, so you really cannot say anything definitive about the information that is out there. With that being said, though, there is in particular one casting notice that has caused many to take note. It comes via Watchers on the Wall, and you can take a look at it below:

“Young Lord in his late 20’s. He’s a tall, handsome young lord, and the show is looking for a white actor who uses the RP accent. He’s scheduled to shoot in the week commencing September 20th.”

Could this be Rhaegar Targeryan? That’s what one theory is out there, given the age, the ethnicity, and the fact that he has a RP or “received pronunciation” accent, one that is commonly used in the more royal pars of the Seven Kingdoms. It is possible that this proves itself to be the major casting bomb that erupts the internet. Or, it’s equally possible that this is just a huge misdirect since the show does have a tendency to do that as well.

The one thing that we do know for certain is that even though we’re nearing the end of the road for the series, they are not slowing down when it comes to introducing new characters. More are likely coming in the weeks and months to come!

Want to see some other news when it comes to “Game of Thrones”? with these being campaign season, we recommend that you head over here to see some of the silly campaign videos that the series has come up with inspired by the election.

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