‘Elementary’ season 5 spoilers: Is a prominent character set to return?

ElementaryOver the course of the past few seasons of “Elementary,” we’ve gotten to meet some pretty interesting people! Some of them are still there, whereas others have departed by several different means. The majority of them are people we certainly would like to see back.

With that, let’s add to the torture of who could be coming back courtesy of what show executive producer Rob Doherty recently told Entertainment Weekly in terms of a future plan for the series:

“The return of a very familiar face is in the works … We are working on bringing back a beloved member of the Elementary family. The odds are quite good.”

As for who this familiar face is, there are a few different possibilities out there. Mycroft and Kitty are both interesting possibilities given that they’ve both had some great stints on the show in the past. Still, we’re pulling for Natalie Dormer as Moriarty / Irene Adler. Remember for a minute here that this is someone who effectively plays two of the most noteworthy characters from the entire catalogue of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Yet, at the same exact time it’s been over a season since we saw her.

(Warning: “Game of Thrones” spoilers ahead.)

Given that Dormer’s character of Margaery Tyrell was killed off of the HBO series at the end of season 6, you could presume that she had more room in her schedule to appear. Does she have a lot of film work at the moment? Absolutely, but we imagine that this has to be a particularly meaty role, and one that many actors out there would want.

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