‘Chicago PD’ season 4 spoilers: Could we meet Lindsay’s dad?

Lindsay -We’ve had a great opportunity over the years to learn more about many of the characters on “Chicago PD,” and when it comes to the Erin Lindsay character in particular, that means figuring out about her background, where she comes from, and what else she strives for in her life. We’ve met her mother on multiple occasions, but there is one other person we’re still waiting around to meet: Her father. Do we want that said meeting to happen? At some point sure, and it is at least something the producers are thinking about.

Want evidence? Then look no further than to what executive producer Matt Olmstead had to say in a new Entertainment Weekly interview:

“We’ve had great success with her mom, who’s a handful … Who’s her dad? When do we see her dad? What does her dad mean to her? What would the complications be? So on the horizon there looms Lindsay’s dad.”

We’d be happy to meet the character at some point during the fourth season if possible, but we also know that there are plenty of other great Lindsay storylines out there that can be attended to. For example, one of the things we’re particularly curious / nervous about is how she feels about what Voight did in the finale. This is a man who has helped her to be on the straight and narrow, and he is now carving his own path of destruction. It is a rather worrisome proposition.

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