‘The Fosters’ season 4, episode 6 review: Could Lena and Stef sell the house?
The latest episode of “The Fosters” Monday night was a depressing affair, and we say that knowing full well that this is a show that almost had a shooting earlier this season.
For one, Callie spent the majority of this episode dealing with the highs and lows associated with her project, which is basically the equivalent of ripping off a bandage over and over again. Her project intercut with the investigation she is working on, and thanks to a random water-balloon tradition with AJ she came across a revelation that could shake things up. Maybe that’s your glimmer of hope in this episode?
For Mariana, much of this episode meant her coming to the realization that her strategy towards Nick is not going to work forever. He has been moved to a group home for boys, one where he will improve but not have communication with the outside world. Jesus learned that Mariana didn’t break up with him, and she tried to defend her actions, and understandably so. She’s just a teenager, so we don’t know who expected her to be able to know what the right thing to do here was. All we do know for certain is that she has further trouble at school, as most of her STEAM team bailed on her.
Now, let’s start depression part 3: Lena’s father finally coming clean about the full extent of his IRS debt, and how fearful he was of the consequences … and how little a clue he has regarding what to do from here. They are now considering selling the house in order for him to get back on his feet, and it’s heartbreaking. It’s one of those situations where everyone feels bad.
In the end, we suppose that this was a well-written, well-acted episode. It just felt very sad to watch the majority of the time, even for a show that does deal often with difficult subjects. Maybe it was everyone just hitting these rough patches all at once that got to us. Grade: B.
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