Jon Stewart delivers powerful segment on ‘The Late Show with Stephen Colbert’

Jon Stewart has been gone from late-night television for almost a year now, and we’re not entirely sure if we ever felt his absence more than we did after watching the segment below from Thursday night’s edition of “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.”

Following Donald Trump’s big speech at the Republican National Convention, Colbert gave some of his time over to the former “Daily Show” host (who is also an executive producer on “The Late Show”), who then proceeded to actually spend more of his time discussing Fox News and their coverage of President Obama versus Donald Trump than anything that the actual candidate said himself.

There were some particularly hilarious moments in this segment, but things became serious near the end when Stewart took many Republicans to task for supporting police officers now following several shootings, but failing to step up to support legislation to help further take care of September 11 first responders. From here, it does go back to being focused more on comedy once more.

For those of you who are particularly longtime fans of “The Daily Show,” there are a couple of references that you will really enjoy here. For one, there’s a dig at Arby’s, which for whatever reason was one of his favorite things to do on his own show. Then, he also references Trump eating pizza with a fork, which if you go back and look at some old “Daily Show” archives remains quite possibly one of the single funniest things ever created on that show.

What do you think after watching this: Do you miss Stewart on the air even more? Share below.

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