‘UnREAL’ season 2, episode 7 review: The police arrive, chaos ensues
Going into Monday night’s new episode of “UnREAL,” we figured that the main event was going to be the return of Adam Cromwell. After all, how could it not give how popular he was during the first season?
As it turned out over the course of Monday’s episode, this was only the tip of the iceberg for what was a chaotic episode from start to finish. Specifically, what happened started to spiral the moment that Rachel and Coleman realized that the best way to create dramatic television was to call the police on Darius when he, Romeo, and two of the contestants bolted from the mansion to have a little bit of fun. The police ended up shooting Romeo after a violent standoff, and things only got crazier from there as Rachel had to wrestle her guilt while at the same time dealing with Adam proclaiming that he loved her and made a mistake.
In the end, Rachel realized that she’d simply had enough, and this led to her being in a place where she could try to get better. Kudos to the show for showing the importance of mental health, and also that getting care at an institution is not something worthy of such stigma. Given what she’d been through over time, her getting help was a long time coming and we’re happy for her.
As for how “Everlasting” continues, we have no idea given that Romeo’s fate is not entirely clear, Quinn is back as showrunner after the police incident, and many of the contestants (including Yael, now with Jeremy again) seem to have no idea what is going to happen from here. If Darius finds someone through this, it’s probably going to be just because they went through hell and back together. This was difficult at times to watch, but compelling television from start to finish. Grade: A-.
July 19, 2016 @ 3:19 am
If I wanted to see a police shooting I would turn on the news. TV shows are supposed to be an escape for me. Loved romeo. So sad. Since Rachel is a main charactor I bet by the end of the season she will be back to normal. I hope Romeo makes it. He was a favorite of mine. I knew Yael was undercover reporter. This episode could have happened with or without Adam. His chemistry with Rachel is still electric though.