‘UnREAL’ season 2, episode 6 review: Chaos in Alabama (and then back on set)
“UnREAL” may eventually be able to make a tradition with hometown dates in the same vein that “The Bachelor” does. The season 1 episode featuring Faith was all sorts of fantastic, and the same goes for Monday night’s jaunt in Alabama. This was complete and utter craziness, and also incredibly dramatic at the same time.
Let’s start first and foremost with the fall of Beth Ann, a woman who seemed primed for disaster entering her time with Darius. After all, Rachel (still reeling from the attack last week) was ready to make a meal out of racism. Her family was nice! The chaos that really came out was courtesy of Rachel learning that Beth Ann was pregnant, and then seeing a huge fight break out between her and the unborn child’s father that involved one of her family members pulling out a gun.
Minutes later, Rachel was kissing Coleman, acting like this was not a big deal at all. Clearly, this was a sign that she needed to get out of there as soon as possible … and luckily, she was able to go back to California. Beth Ann was eliminated, and Darius was furious over Rachel’s handling of everything. She, meanwhile, insisted that she was okay and didn’t want to call the police. She had Coleman’s support, and in the end, it did seem like he stabilized her.
Unfortunately, there was a problem: Quinn sent in the cavalry to mess things up, and that cavalry seems to be Adam Cromwell.
In other news tonight, the show therapist actually convinced Quinn that she should actually try not being alone for a change! This was a nice touch, and as a whole there were a few meaningful moments in here. We do think that she has a softer side buried deep somewhere in there. As a whole, this was a great episode, one probably packed with about as much drama as you can possible have hoped for. Grade: A-.