‘Saturday Night Live’ re-watch: Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, and the hilarity in ‘Meet Your Second Wife’

SNL -Tonight, NBC is airing after NASCAR coverage and the local news a repeat episode of “Saturday Night Live” from late last year with Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, and admittedly there is a lot of it that doesn’t feel as relevant anymore historically as it did at the time in which it aired. Then again, this is just the “SNL” way sometimes, given that they are excellent at creating topical humor and throwing you right into the moment of what is happening in the surrounding world.

Luckily, they also in this particular show brought some great evergreen comedy, including a sketch we want to spotlight once more given that it may be our favorite live sketch from this past season: “Meet Your Second Wife.” The premise is incredibly simple, but it is executed brilliantly from the performances to the “wives” becoming increasingly younger as the episode progresses. Having it end with a big twist reveal with Cecily Strong was enough to have us in stitches.

Even if you know where this is going, the facial reactions and the quirky moments (Tina Fey introducing herself by name while Poehler plays a character, Kenan Thompson praying that his future wife isn’t white) offer up some more laughs. It’s really a nice reminder that sometimes, the show can be amazing without relying on politics, surprise cameos, or pre-tape pieces that they can plan out. With the right writing and performances, this show can be better than almost any other comedy show on TV.

If you are interested in getting some other news when it comes to “SNL,” be sure to head over to this link right now!

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