‘Big Brother 18’ cast spotlight: Will Jozea Flores really play a ‘superb’ game?

Jozea -In his “Big Brother 18” interview with Jeff Schroeder, Jozea Flores made it clear that he will play a “superb” game. Note to self: Anyone who makes this sort of bold declaration before entering the house is probably going to fall on their face in a rather enormous / potentially embarrassing way.

In the spotlight below, we’re going to do our best to try and figure out if there really is something in Jozea as a player, or if we are more destined to see him go down the tubes sooner rather than later as one of the preliminary casting disappointments of the season. We know production’s got some high hopes in him, just because they put him on despite him seemingly know about as much about the show as we do being a “celebrity makeup artist.”

Facts to know – He refuses to discuss his “celebrity” clientele, is 25 years old, and is listed as being from Los Angeles. We harass casting frequently for just hanging out in the Los Angeles area, but kudos to him being one of only two people this season from what we’d consider to be the area. We’re now counting Bridgette, since Ventura County’s more or less its own thing.

Show history – Most of it seems to stem just from the fact that he likes Frankie Grande, who by our money was one of the most egocentric people to ever be in the house. We actually think that pre-pop star reveal, he was actually a decent player before he became insufferable. This really isn’t meant to be an article indicting Frankie as our most-hated player in years. Moving on…

Past houseguest comparison – He’s a less strategic version of Kevin from season 11, and he’s got a headstrong nature that could make him a less-assertive Devin type who totally freaks out when things are not going precisely in the way in which he expects.

Clear weakness – Probably the most surprising thing is that he actually comes off a little closed-off, and some of his answers feel rehearsed. He’s not making a huge effort to connect, and we almost feel like he is overly cognizant of the presence of the cameras and it will inhibit how he comes across as a human being.

Early prediction – There’s a chance Jozea is first person out. We’re not sorry about saying it, just because we think he’ll play too hard, too fast, and he’s not going to make an effort to get to know everyone in the game. He wants to win and we admire that, but we don’t think he knows how to, and that’s a problem when you make it this far.

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