‘Zoo’ season 2: Latest promo serves as tiny recap
Are you curious in checking out “Zoo” when it premieres on CBS come Tuesday, June 28, but are concerned that you may not have the time to dive into the show’s first season on Netflix in advance? Well, have no fear: The network has come up with a rather-simple way to recap everything that happened in just thirty seconds.
The promo below does what we’d consider to be a fairly effective job at setting the stage for what the overall premise of the show is, at least when it comes to the animal mutations that have turned them all into hunters. From here, the primary question is, at least for the most part, what the next phase of the mutation could be. Is it possible that it could be something crazy? The promo below makes it clear that it could be transferring next to humans, which is 1) completely nuts and 2) basically means that both the animals and the people at this metaphorical zoo could be starting to become completely unhinged.
Ultimately, if you liked the first season, odds are that you’re probably going to be into the second and don’t really even need this promo to remind yourself of what is next. Nonetheless, it’s hard to really blame CBS for trying to reach a larger audience, given that the season 1 ratings put this firmly into “bubble show” territory and we don’t precisely know where the needle is going to fall going into season 2. We’ll have some time to sort that out.
If you do want to get some other news right now when it comes to “Zoo,” just be sure to head over to this link right now!
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