‘Reign’ season 3 spoilers: John Barrowman guest stars in ‘Intruders’
There was so much time in between the announcement of John Barrowman appearing on “Reign” and us getting official confirmation on when his installment will air that we almost forgot it was happening … with a key emphasis on the world “Almost.” We’re glad to finally have some more news regarding his episode “Intruders” airing next month; you can see the official synopsis for the hour below via SpoilerTV:
“With Mary (Adelaide Kane) presumed dead, Elizabeth (Rachel Skarsten) enlists Lola’s (Anna Popplewell) help in taking the Scottish crown for herself, while Mary’s half-brother James (guest star Dan Jeannotte) must defend her throne from John Knox (guest star Jonathan Goad). Meanwhile, Mary comes face to face with Francis’s killer when she and Bash (Torrance Coombs) find themselves in the hands of a fearsome clan leader named Munro (guest star John Barrowman).”
Hey, Barrowman’s playing someone wicked again! There is something really gleeful about seeing him in this sort of environment, and it is precisely what we enjoy about him on “Arrow.” We’re not sure how in the world he found the time to do this in between all of the other things that he has going on with his schedule, but trust us when we say that we are certainly more than happy that he figured it out.
“Reign” returns after a brief hiatus with an all-new episode airing on Monday. Rest assured that we’re going to have some further information all about it when it comes out, preferably sooner rather than later.