Will ‘Madam Secretary’ season 3 excel in new timeslot?

Secretary -Even though “Madam Secretary” may be off the air from now until September, we do want to do our best to give you a few snapshot-articles throughout the hiatus to ask some interesting questions, and debate some key subjects related to the show.

We’re going to start today with what we feel is certainly an interesting one for the CBS drama: Is moving back an hour on the schedule a good thing or a bad thing? The CBS fall schedule was released over this past week, and it shows “Madam Secretary” taking the Sundays-at-9:00 position away from “The Good Wife,” who was firmly planted there for several years.

The advantage to this timeslot is that it is in many ways the best hour on TV, where there are more viewers watching across the board. It’s late enough so that people who work late (even on Sundays) are home, but not so late that they are in bed. “The Good Wife” was there for a reason.

Yet, at the same time this puts “Madam Secretary” another hour away from football, which we presume was an enormous money-maker for it over the time in which it aired. There’s something to be said for those people who watch the big game and just don’t turn the channel! It also means that on nights where football runs over, it’s possible that Tea Leoni won’t turn up on your TV set until 9:45 p.m. Eastern time. There’s also more competition from the likes of “The Walking Dead,” “Game of Thrones,” and most importantly “Homeland,” which we feel covers similar subject matter.

Overall, we’re going to go out on a limb and say that for “Madam Secretary,” its old timeslot may have been better despite the advantages of airing later at nine, and having a decent new lead-in courtesy of “NCIS: Los Angeles.” The series wasn’t broke ratings-wise, so why try and fix it?

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