‘The Bachelorette’ spotlight: Will Christian Bishop shine on JoJo Fletcher’s season?
We have no idea whether or not Christian Bishop is going to be a key player on the upcoming season of “The Bachelorette” featuring JoJo Fletcher. However, we can at least say with some confidence now that he’s going to be a fairly-entertaining presence while he’s there. While we may not necessarily agree with everything that he put into his ABC bio online, at least he put some effort into it! Therefore, we know that’s a little bit nerdy, he loves his mama, and also he apparently has some serious Mark Cuban hero worship going on — which is some smart Dallas synergy given that this is where JoJo lives.
Take a look below for some further details.
Name – Christian Bishop
Age – 26
Occupation – Telecom consultant. You can add this to the list of boring jobs this season, but hey, at least he has a job!
Location – Los Angeles, California. Ugh. We’re going to be annoyed with the amount of Californians most of the season, and we say this as someone who’s spent a lot of time there! We just feel like casting spent a good percentage of the past few months hanging out in bars and seeing who they met.
Pros – We like that he values hard work, doesn’t like pretentious people, and that family is super-important to him. We don’t think he’s going to try to be a big character on this season, and will be down-to-earth and legitimately try to get to know JoJo.
Cons – Granted, there are still red flags. For one, what’s with calling out your ex for taking your chihuahua in your bio? We’d be bummed too, but seems like a low blow to call her out publicly. Also, he has to be prepared for judgment of some sort if he talks about stripping while in college on the show; we don’t have an issue with it, but this show will beat anything they perceive as scandalous over the head.
Most likely to… Probably be exploited about a “rumor” regarding said stripping past. It’s funny how these things always seem to come out on the show!
Final assessment – Christian has some things going for him, but unfortunately, black contestants on this show don’t seem to get back episode 5. We don’t see any instant chemistry here that’ll buck the trend.
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