‘The Bachelorette’ spotlight: Will Chase McNary chase after JoJo Fletcher?
Today on our “Bachelorette” spotlight series here at CarterMatt, we’re putting the spotlight on someone in Chase McNary who, at least in some ways, is still a mystery. There’s not a whole lot of information about him out there to go on, but based on what we’ve seen, he’s a guy who has traveled a little bit, is a devout Christian, and also cares about the people he’s close to. We can see him sticking around for a little while to compete for JoJo Fletcher’s heart, but does he have what it takes to be a true standout? We’ll have a little more on that at the bottom of this article.
As a reminder, there are no spoilers coming up in this article. Rest assured that nothing too major is going to end up being spoiled for you.
Name – Chase McNary
Age – 27
Occupation – Medical Sales Rep. This is hardly the most exciting job title in the world; we’ve seen it several times before.
Location – Denver, Colorado. Hey, he’s got something in common with Ben Higgins! We still found it weird that ABC was really worshipping Warsaw, Indiana on the show this past season, but at the same time Ben doesn’t live there anymore!
Pros – He’s loyal, caring, and he’s got a bit of an adventurous streak given that he likes skydiving. Basically, this is not the guy who is on the danger date where JoJo helps him to feel confident. Maybe if she’s afraid of heights he can be there for her, but that’s really it.
Cons – The guy claims that the one thing he wouldn’t do for love is “sell his truck” … seriously. Given that he looks almost identical to about four or five other people on this particular season, we have a feeling that it’s going to be really easy to forget about him. We’ll likely do the same thing.
Most likely to… Last five or six episodes, get a sudden spike in screen time, and then get eliminated before any one of us remember who he is.
Final assessment – Chase will last a while, since there is really no reason for him not to. For Chase, the problem is going to be figuring out how to stand out, and also to be someone viewers really remember.
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