‘The Bachelorette’ spoilers: Will JoJo Fletcher be hip to Brandon Howell’s ways?

Brandon -There are a few times on every “Bachelorette” season where you have a chance to roll your eyes at someone’s job description, and it certainly feels like we’re having a chance to do that right now with Brandon Howell. He’s a guy who has one of the cheesiest jobs out of anyone listed, and it’s mad even cheesier by the fact that he has done some reality TV before, and also a little bit of modeling work. he’s not a complete nobody with nothing going on.

Yet, that occupation of “hipster” is probably enough to write him off as a JoJo Fletcher contender almost right away.

Name – Brandon Howell

Age – 28

Occupation – Hipster. Ugh. Really, he just has the hair for it. The same goes for the chest hair.

Location – Los Angeles, California. If he was a true hipster, he’d say he was from Venice and pretend like it’s not even a real part of the city.

Pros – He’s actually really tall (6’4”), and we know from Ben Higgins that JoJo is certainly into taller men. Also, he seems very sensitive, and is looking for some sort of super-romantic, sweeping romance. This show should give him plenty of opportunities for that and then some, right?

Cons – He describes himself as being somewhat laid-back, and that in itself suggests he won’t be too aggressive in the early going, quickly getting himself in danger. Also, this is a guy with enough of a resume behind him that we do have to wonder if he really just wants to further along whatever hipster career he has. JoJo could also see that fairly quickly if he starts talking about his past experience.

Most likely to… Cite Malcolm Gladwell without anyone asking him to.

Final assessment – There’s no change this guy lasts longer than four episodes. Possible “Bachelor in Paradise” contender a la Lace.

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