‘The Bachelorette’ spotlight: Will Marine Alex Woytkiw have a shot with JoJo Fletcher?
We’ve made it to the introduction of our “Bachelorette” spotlight series! Much like we’ve done with so many other editions of the franchise over the years, what we’re going to be doing over the course of the next week-plus is offering up our take on many of the contenders fighting for leading lady JoJo Fletcher’s heart. We’ll give you a few details about the guy, where they’re from, what they do, and why you’ll root for them / make fun of them.
Of course, at the tail end we’ll also reveal our assessment of them as a contender for JoJo, starting now with Alex Woytkiw.
Name – Alex Woytkiw
Age – 25
Occupation – U.S. Marine. Right off the bat, thanks to Alex for his service.
Location – Oceanside, California. It’s a town between San Diego and much of Orange County. There are a lot of people from California this season.
Pros – Men in uniform get a ton of respect right away, and he’s also been a hero away from being in the military. In was may be a sign that he is secretly a member of the Avengers (Disney synergy!), he ripped the door off of a burning car and saved someone’s life. He has that sort of all-American look and feel about him, and that definitely makes us feel like most of the female viewers out there will be rooting intently for this guy if he brings this attitude onto the show.
Cons – Outside of the show, some tabloids are making a big deal about an arrest that really just seemed to be for some sort of silly sorority prank. We feel for him for that. On the show, his bio on ABC.com just doesn’t come across as that exciting. He’s not really that open, and we wonder if he’ll struggle to be vulnerable.
Most likely to… Have a last night nobody will be able to spell.
Final assessment – We’re getting a vibe from him that he will last a few weeks, but we just don’t envision a winner here.
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