‘The Vampire Diaries’ season 8: Premiere date speculation for Ian Somerhalder – Paul Wesley drama
Fans of “The Vampire Diaries,” we come today bearing a truly sad reminder that in just a matter of hours, we’re going to be hitting the end of the road as we know it for the show’s seventh season. Tonight’s finale is the last one for CW series for several months, so let’s hope that it gives you the vast majority of the answers in which you are hoping to have.
As for the future, it’s a little bit hard to figure out precisely what The CW’s plans are. What we do know is that the upcoming eighth season will be the last for Kat Graham as a cast member, and while it is not confirmed that it will be the end of the road for the show, we’re also certainly feeling that this will likely be the case based on the ratings.
As for when it could premiere, most conventional wisdom seems to suggest that the optimal start date would be once more in October; however, we’re not ruling out the network doing something crazy and unorthdox when you consider that they ordered three new shows, canceled “Containment,” and are bringing over “Supergirl” from CBS. Given that they didn’t cancel anything else, that’s a lot of real estate. They are going to have to get really creative, move some shows to different times of the year, change episode counts, or extent their lineup beyond ten hours of original programming a week.
We’ll learn more about the show’s future when The CW holds their upfront presentation later this month.
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