‘Shark Tank’ video: Will Camp No Counselors recreate experience for adults?

Shark Tank -Summer camp is the sort of thing that many adults out there look back on fondly from when they were young; as a matter of fact, they may have tried at one point or another to try to recreate that feeling, but to no avoid.

Does Camp No Counselors offer up some sort of viable way to bring the magic back? We at least know that it is something they are really trying to push for on Friday night’s new “Shark Tank” episode. In the video below, you can see what has to be one of the more interesting pitches we’ve seen in some time. The valuations seems high at first, but then you do your research and realize that they have these camps all over the country already.  Their prices may seem somewhat high for a few days of camp, but then remember for a minute or two here that they are all-inclusive and include for food, and open bar, accommodations, and everything you need in order to have a good time.

We’re gonna be honest here: We think this is pretty brilliant. We’re not an outdoorsy person, but to us doing something like this would beat the pants off of going camping, especially since you don’t really have to worry about anything like cooking and the elements. You can get away from it all for a few days and just enjoy yourself. Also, there’s a chance to meet new adults friends, which is something that can be really tough for someone with the same job every day.

There are so many components that go into whether or not a business gets an investment (they have to justify that valuation!), but for now we definitely feel like most of the sings here are pointing to yes on this company getting a chance to have a Shark bite.

You can see some other preview scoop for this “Shark Tank” episode by heading over here right now! Also, sign up over here to secure some more TV news on all we cover, sent right over to you via our official CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: ABC.)


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