‘The Amazing Race 29’ wishlist: A return to basics and other hopes
Where will CBS take us on the next “Amazing Race” season? It’s a worthy question, and it’s something we really cannot answer until the new season premieres.
Yet, we are excited today at least to give you our take on what we’d like to see change as the show enters its 29th season, which could end up being one of the last ones depending on what the network decides. (Remember here that we’ve been saying this same thing for the past few years; we’re constantly on edge that the show is at its end.
First, go back to basics on the cast – No All-Stars, as those seasons are typically duds for this show for some reason. Meanwhile, no gimmicks like blind-dating couples or internet stars. Go find some people from all over America who have different jobs and relationships. We don’t want to see everyone from Southern California, or a bunch of beauty queens / models / athlete types. Give us some people who really represent America.
New countries – Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, El Salvador, and Nicaragua have never been visited. The Caribbean has been largely ignored other than Jamaica. Those are some lacking countries close to us. Hopefully we’ll see Cuba on the show soon before long, and we’d also love to see them return to places like Senegal, Kenya, Iceland, or Ireland. Greeland’s probably a little too remote, though we’d love to see it someday. We know that there are parts of the Middle East and Africa that are simply too dangerous.
More culturally relevant tasks – We know we say this one often, but please, no more of the “haul this thing from here to here.” Have people learn more about the culture, whether it be by cooking / eating the food, engaging in a tradition, learning a craft, or speaking the language. Show people why these places are interesting rather than having them do an oil change on some weird hill.
No more late-game U-Turns – We’d say to end them at final six or earlier. Brodie & Kurt were hosed this season by both having one at final five, and also having a leg designed around them that gave them little chance to catch up. The twist is fine strategically, but at the same time you need to give those impacted a chance.
For more news on “The Amazing Race,” including a review for the big finale, head over to the link here right now! Also, sign up over here to secure some other TV news on all we cover, sent right over to you via our official CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: CBS.)