‘Big Brother Canada’ season 5 speculation: When will it begin again?

BB CanadaTonight, “Big Brother Canada” is going to be ending on Global after what has been an entertaining fourth season for the most part. While we’re slightly concerned over the final three, the thing we’d advise you on is that the winner does not necessarily have to take away from your enjoyment of the season as a whole.

So where are we going from here? Assuming that the show comes back (which seems likely, though it is not confirmed just yet), it will probably begin casting once more this fall. We know that there will be some rumors over the course of the summer about All-Stars and the same sort of other nonsense that is churned up by the internet, but we’d be shocked to see returning players yet. Save it for the sixth season, and get another crop of newbies in there first to fight for their survival.

Update: Check out the Big Brother Canada 5 cast!

As far as the premiere date goes, we once again suspect that late February / early March will be when the show starts up again, given that there is once again little reason to change things up provided the show returns.

The reason why we’re so confident that the show will be back stems mostly from the wide array of different platforms that exist out there for Global / Shaw Media to monetize. They draw traffic to their website for everything from polls to lie feeds, and of course the show itself draws solid viewership. While there are many production costs, the contestants themselves (minus the international ones) are fairly inexpensive, and the prize money is not too big of a hit in the wallet.

You can check out the remainder of our “Big Brother Canada” finale coverage right now just by heading over to the link here! Also, sign up over here to secure some other TV news on all we cover, sent right over to you via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: Global.)

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