‘Big Brother Canada 4’ review: Was Cassandra Shahinfar or Tim Dormer evicted before final three?

Cassandra -Tonight on “Big Brother Canada,” we were treated to a “surprise eviction show,” but can it really be that surprising when almost everyone knows that it is coming? There has not been a season to date that had a finale featuring four different people, and you can add this season to that list, as well.

If you’ve watched the live feeds, then you knew a thing or two about the Veto winner before it even happened in the house today: Nick won, and with that the brothers had the power to determine who was going to be the person casting the deciding vote. Of course, they opted for it to be Kelsey, feeling like she’d keep the peace treaty intact with Tim. Every indication that we got when the feeds were on was that the Australian was going to survive until final three, and Cass would be given the boot.

We imagined that nothing would change between then and the eviction, and that turned out to be true. Cass was eliminated by Kelsey and sent to jury, and with that, she now goes off to jury to help shape their thinking the rest of the game. Those of you who wanted to see her win have to be feeling bummed, even though they had days to prepare for it.

Now, we’re left with a very interesting final three with Tim, Kelsey, and the brothers, and to many, Tim is the only hope for a strong, strategic winner. The brothers may deserve it in some ways thanks to competition wins, but Kelsey has played a much better social game with some in the jury (save for Maddy).

We’ll be back tomorrow to cover the finale, and we do think that Tim is a worthy winner at this point. As for the other two … well, it’ll certainly produce some interesting reactions.

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