‘The Flash’ season 2, episode 21 video: The case of Wally West and Jesse Wells

FlashWhat’s happened to Wally West and Jesse Wells on “The Flash“? It’s a great question, and it is also the subject of the sneak peek below from Tuesday night’s new episode.

First, a refresher: Last week, these two decided to be heroes at the worst possible time, and ended up feeling some of the aftereffects of Harry’s latest attempt to get Barry his speed back. In the sneak peek below, you can see the likes of Harry and Joe rush to find the two on the floor, seemingly unconscious. Wally quickly wakes up, but Jesse remains unconscious through the end of the sneak peek.

What could happen to them as a result to being exposed to this sort of dangerous material? Well, let’s just say that their comic-book counterparts do eventually have powers. We’re speaking of course of Kid Flash and Jesse Quick. While it’d be interesting to see the show go in this direction, they also do need to be wary of the dangers of having too many people with powers all at the same time. If everyone has abilities, than is Barry really that special anymore? We always go back to “Heroes” as what can happen when a show goes nuts and gives almost everyone some sort of ability. It doesn’t always end well.

Speaking of Barry, we’ve already seen in previews for this episode that he is still alive, but may be in some sort of alternate universe where nobody recognizes precisely who he is or what he can do.

Want to get some other news when it comes to “The Flash”? Then be sure to head over here to get another tease from Tuesday’s episode. Also, sign up over here to get some more TV news on all we cover, sent right over to you via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: The CW.)


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