‘Big Brother Canada 4’: Is its legacy already firmly in place?

Big Brother -We know there’s no live feeds to discuss when it comes to “Big Brother Canada,” but we promised daily articles until the end of the season and we’re here with yet another one right now. For the record, the rest of the schedule looks like this: We’re going to have a lengthy chat with Ramsey tomorrow that should make for a good finale preview, and on Wednesday we’ll prognosticate the final two shows. Wednesday and Thursday we’ll also talk the final episodes, and we’ll have a slew of interviews on Friday. We’ll be talking with all of the final four, plus a few other important players from the season.

Now, let’s talk legacy. This is the time of the season when we always start to think about this, since we have a natural tendency to wonder how a season will be interpreted and received years down the line. Season 1 to use was all about a revolution; meanwhile, season 2 was an evolution, and season 3 was almost an example of what happens when production goes to far.

Regardless of who wins (we don’t think that changes everything for a season’s quality), season 4 will be a more satisfying season than what we had last year. There were some big moves in that game including Jordan’s blindside, but in between Sindy’s re-entry to the game, the triple-eviction, and Brittnee being able to basically pull a Jeff with the coup d’etat so close to the finale, there was nothing about that game that felt fair. Sure, we know that “Big Brother Canada” is not a fair game, but that went a little too over-the-top for our liking. Sarah Hanlon was a fine winner; there are some who underrate and overrate her, so we feel like her status is probably about right. She’s a strong social player who got lucky in spots, and while she made mistakes, she was able to correct them.

For us, there’s also no way that this season ends up being better than season 2, which is probably up there with “Big Brother 14” as one of our favorite seasons of the show over the past eight or nine years. That show just had an impeccable cast, two super-strong player sin Jon and Neda who went really far, and then also a runner-up in Sabrina who at least brought us good TV. (Yes, that’s what we want.)

The debate here for us is between this season and season 1. Both had some unfair twists, in between Kelsey getting to watch people and Gary getting to spend time at jury before re-entering the game. Meanwhile, both had these same people make it extremely far. If Kelsey makes it to the final two against the brothers, we have a similar situation to Jillian against Gary. Were it not for Topaz, Gary would’ve won just because there were people in the jury that weren’t fans of how Jillian handled them in the house. The brothers have not exactly played a fantastic social game, but they’ve won competitions just like Jillian did late in the game alongside Emmett. We’d probably lean towards season 1 if this is the final two, only for nostalgic purposes.

If Tim manages to sneak into the finale, this pay put season 4 ahead of season 1 since we’ll have a really strong strategist there who really controlled a good chunk of the game. It would be as though Emmett made it to the end of season 1. (If Cassandra makes it to the end, which seems unlikely since she’s probably the final four boot, our head would explode would delight.)

In the end, we’ve had fun characters this season, including people like Loveita and Dallas who were gone early, some good moves, and also a few moments of high drama. We’re not sure we’d call season 4 a classic, but at least it held our attention until close to the end. That’s better than some seasons.

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