‘Shark Tank’ review: CreaProducts, Dollop Gourmet, Spooner Boards, and Yourself Expression

Shark Tank -Tonight’s new episode of “Shark Tank” is one that has a little bit of everything. We’ve got a food product, a new entry in the extreme sports realm, something new in the world of jewelry, and also a way make your beauty routine easier. Basically, four very different products, and four very different presentations.

As per usual, we’re going to offer updates on all of tonight’s products as the night goes on, so be sure to fresh the page throughout!

Dollop Gourmet – Was this company innovative enough in the dessert place? The frosting certainly does look delicious, and while it’s healthier than the common store brand, it doesn’t seem like they’re compromising taste. Based on the reviews in the Tank, apparently this is really tasty! It’s funny how we were wrong here in terms of vision. We thought that Kevin O’Leary and Barbara Corcoran wouldn’t bite because of Wicked Good Cupcakes and Daisy Cakes, but they saw this more as a strategic opportunity. In the end, Dollop is now with Barbara, and we really liked her argument of how being in the same city would allow the two of them to have more face-time.

CreaProducts – Is this line of products from Hawaii creative enough to excel in the Tank? We’re surprised that there actually wasn’t more interest since we think there’s a significant amount of money to be made here for people who want to cut their own bangs. It’s affordable, it seems easy, and the founder Mai is extremely well-connected on social media. Basically, we think that Lori Greiner got a steal here in adding this to her portfolio.

Yourself Expression – We love that this product is being brought into the Tank by kids, but this isn’t a show about a story. These two have to prove that their customized jewelry is worthwhile! The thing we worry about is we’re not sure that the young entrepreneur really understood what happened fully. We do think that they liked the business, but it wasn’t revolutionary enough to mitigate the fact that this was a company being run by two kids with limited time in their schedules. They didn’t want the responsibility of putting this sort of pressure on a company that is so young in so many ways. No deal.

Spooner Boards – Is this the next great way to have fun? Maybe for young people, but our concern here is appealing to people who are old enough to do things like skateboarding and snowboarding. Ultimately, they are catering well enough to kids, apparently, that it doesn’t quite matter. We totally underestimated these guys before this episode, as they were extremely savvy, conservative with their money, and ready to move to the next level. The also got two Sharks in Barbara Corcoran and Mark Cuban who work very well together.

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