‘Shark Tank’ video: Can Spooner Boards make a splash with an investor?

Sharks -Spooner Boards are the latest extreme sports innovation coming to “Shark Tank” on Friday night, but we’re not sure that we would necessarily call them “extreme.”

Instead, what the product really boils down to is a small, curved board that can be used for a variety of different activities on different terrain; you can’t really maneuver around like you can on a skateboard, but you can at least do a wide array of different tricks and stunts. They’re fun, and seem especially fun for kids who are just starting to learn about balance.

It’s clear in watching the pitch below that the guys behind the brand know who their target demo is, and also want to ensure that they are properly catering to them by hyping this up as something that is high-energy and almost a foundation to other things down the road. The presentation is almost everything that you would want it to be.

So what’s the trouble? It’s hard to convince people to do a new activity if no one else around them is, so getting this into mass market could be a challenge. While the price point isn’t bad at under $50 a board, we do wonder if the valuation for the Sharks is a little high to get them interested. It’s hard to really gauge without hearing the sales, but they will really have to make a case that these are worth every bit of the money that they claim for them to be.

If you do want to see some other products that are being featured on Friday night’s new “Shark Tank” episode right now, be sure to head over here now! Also, sign up over here to secure some other TV news on all we cover, sent right over to you via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: ABC.)


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