‘The Amazing Race 28’ episode 11 preview: The race to the finale heats up in China
While we’ve been to several new locations on “The Amazing Race” over the years, Friday night’s penultimate episode is going to be taking the road more frequently-traveled and shipping us to China. We’ve seen several legs here, and based on the video below we’re going to be seeing some sort of task this time around based on familiar landmarks. (Suggestion for a future season of the Race: Go to one of the ghost cities! There’s something fascinating about their emptiness.)
There’s really not much substance in the preview below, so we’re going to take a different approach and talk potential placements! If we had to rank the teams at the moment, here’s what we would go with.
4. Sheri & Cole – They’re not completely out of the running, but they’ve yet to win a leg or posed a serious threat. Therefore, we have to imagine that the struggle will continue.
3. Dana & Matt – They won the first leg, and at that point it looked like they were going to be monsters all season. However, in-fighting has caused them problems, and we do wonder sometimes f Matt has the killer instinct.
2. Burnie & Ashley – Given that they’ve finished in second place five episodes in a row, it does feel appropriate to rank them here. They’ve got Joey & Kelsey upside, but you can’t put them #1 without a single win to their name.
1. Tyler & Korey – The show probably loves having both Rooster Teeth and Tyler & Korey still around, given that preseason they were probably the two most popular teams. While these two guys haven’t been perfect through the Race, they’ve overcome their poor outings and have won enough for us to know that they are capable of taking the grand prize.
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