‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: A final three treaty
If there was ever any real doubt at all that Tim Dormer is a very good “Big Brother” player no matter the country, we present to you the latest evidence: Him striking a final three “peace treaty” with the brothers and Kelsey, even though Phil and Nick were coming for his head the last two times that they were Head of Household.
With this deal in place, Tim effectively has deals with the majority of the house. He probably would like to see Joel go this week given that Cassandra will remain easily loyal to him, but it doesn’t sound like he’s forcing the issue much now. As a matter of fact, he told Kelsey and the brothers that it doesn’t matter who goes if the other person just goes home next.
Do we think Tim will hold true to this treaty in the slightest? Let’s just say that we’re not altogether confident of that, given that he really has no reason to do so if things go a different way. He’s just covering his bases, since he’s in a position now where he may need to win out anyway to ensure that he sits in the final two. Ideally, if he could get there with the brothers, he’s got a really good chance to win … at least if the jury is basing it on gameplay. The problem that Tim may run into regardless of anything is if the jury votes more based on need, or thinks that Tim doesn’t deserve the money since he 1) arrived late to the game or 2) was paid handsomely just to be a part of the show in the first place.
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