‘Madam Secretary’ season 2 finale video: Elizabeth McCord on the firing line
The season 2 finale of “Madam Secretary” is coming your way to CBS on Sunday, and we’re getting a chance to check out a little bit of what to expect in the preview below. It looks like there is going to be a lot of tension surrounding Elizabeth McCord.
As a matter of fact, we’re not even sure that she is going to make it out of this finale with her job still intact. As you can see in the promo below for this episode, she is going to be sitting down with President Dalton, and at one point during this conversation there will be a debate as to whether or not she is still doing the job in the way in which he wants. He worries that she’s in too deep, and in some ways becoming unfocused.
Are we worried about her job status? To some degree we are, but the title of this show is “Madam Secretary”; it’s not “person who was once the Secretary of State and is not anymore.” That would be a mouthful. Hopefully, she’ll find a way to secure her safety before the end of the episode and she will continue next season with her job.
The one thing that we do really hope does not happen on this show is McCord going full Hillary Clinton and eventually becoming a Presidential candidate. It just feels like there are already so many other shows out there that tackle the Oval Office, and what makes this one different is that it focuses more on this particular branch of government.
Want to get some other news when it comes to “Madam Secretary”? Then head over here to read the synopsis for this episode, or sign up over here to get some other TV news on all we cover, sent right over to you via our official CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: CBS.)