‘The Big Bang Theory’ season 9, episode 23 preview: Christine Baranski returns!
At the moment, there are few people in this world of TV busier than Christine Baranski. This is a woman who recently finished “The Good Wife,” though at some point in the thick of production for that show she had a chance to appear on a couple of episodes of “The Big Bang Theory.” It was already confirmed that the actress was going to be appearing in the finale airing later this month; earlier this week, we also received some confirmation that she will be turning up in the upcoming May 5 episode entitled “The Line Substitution Solution.”
The photo above is your first look at Beverly’s return, and per the attached synopsis, it’s clear that she will be spending some time with Penny for better or worse:
“Sheldon hires Stuart to spend the day with Amy when he’d rather go to a movie screening. Also, Leonard’s mother, Beverly (Christine Baranski), comes to town and Penny struggles to make a connection with her.”
Even the photo above looks somewhat defensive, as Penny seems to be doing everything that she can in order to convince Beverly of something. Maybe it’s that she is a far greater person than she is ever given credit for? It’s hard to really say for certain one way or another, but our hope here is that there are some funny bonding moments between the two. The strangest thing about this dynamic is that Beverly has never really respected Leonard very much; with that, why would she have that much of an opinion about his wife? Maybe she just represses that love when it is really there, bubbling underneath the surface.
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