‘Big Brother Canada 4’ review: Joel and Nikki’s wedding; family visits
The first thing that we want to do on this “Big Brother Canada” review is keep everyone from pressing the panic button in some shape or form. While we expected that there would be more fuss about the family visit interrupting the game, we don’t really think the way in which the show constructed the family twist left open a whole lot of room for there to be any real contamination. Other players were standing right there while the family reunions took place. Also, it was all super-sweet and sappy.
Content-wise, there wasn’t much new in this episode, whether it be Cassandra’s father winning her Head of Household or her decision to nominate the brothers and Nikki in the cushiest nomination ceremony out there. This was a predictable episode, but at least we got Joel and Nikki’s wedding!
We’re not going to deny that there was a complete lack of entertainment in this, whether it be Marsha the Moose as officiant or seeing Nikki and Joel goof off during the vows. also, apparently Tim is the father of the bride. The main issue we have is this is emblematic of U.S. Big Brother versus the Canadian show. In the former, many of the funny segments and character-building moments are more organic and generated from the players’ sense of boredom. Here, it comes more out the producers wanting to create little segments for the show that force the show in a particular direction.
So congrats Joel and Nikki / happy returns. Also, was the show trying to ‘ship Cassandra and Tim tonight? Episode Grade: B.
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