‘Big Brother Canada 4’ review: Was Maddy Pavle or Tim Dormer evicted?
Tonight, “Big Brother Canada” did have a few emotional moments thanks to getting an update on Ramsey and his family (his father is okay), but there were also at the same time some segments of pure ridiculousness. Did anyone really want or need to see the UFC fighter on here? We know him more for his early exit from “The Amazing Race Canada.”
Really, to us the best part of the first 45 minutes or so was seeing Mitch do an ASAPScience parody with fruit … though really we were just happy to see Mitch again, even if it did remind us of how angry we were when he was evicted. There wasn’t really any drama anywhere else, given that Maddy’s eviction was such a foregone conclusion. Hey, at least she kept the duck! We also feel like we were deprived of seeing a Kelsey goodbye message right now, since that would have been delicious and then some.
Hey, at least Maddy got to go out at the same time Ramsey was out there, right? Too bad they probably didn’t get to communicate at all.
The Head of Household Competition tonight was odd, mostly because it was all about keeping track of rocks … and it was family members who played it rather than the houseguests themselves. In other words … yep. It’s another crapshoot! This is so frustrating, since you are basically making it even harder for a good player to control the game and it’s almost entirely luck-based instead. Episode Grade: B-.
Want to get some other news right now on “Big Brother Canada”? Then we suggest heading over here right now! We’ll have the new Head of Household winner there the moment it is announced. Also, sign up over here to get some more TV news on all we cover, sent right over to you via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: Global.)