‘The Flash’ season 2, episode 18 review: Barry Allen, Zoom, the speed trade, and Caitlin’s catastrophe
Going into the return of “The Flash” Tuesday night, we knew that there were going to be quite a few emotional moments. After all, “Versus Zoom” was a chance to understand more of who Zoom was, where he came from, and also a thing or two more about if he can be defeated.
In the end, the one mistake that “Jay Garrick” really made during his time on Earth-1 was admitting that his doppelganger was Hunter Zolomon. Eventually, STAR Labs used this information (acquired by Caitlin, mostly just because Zoom started to have legitimate feelings) and was able to utilize it to their advantage. Eventually the team found Zoom, brought him to Earth-1, and then the battle really began. Everyone thought that they had this all figured out, but somehow Zoom found a way to escape yet again. Not only that, but he captured Wally.
In an effort to get him back, Barry agreed to give his speed up to Zoom, as heartbreaking as that was to watch. They basically gave all of the power away to the villain, which was something we definitely did not expect to see. In many ways, the villain won tonight! He also gave us some long, odd Q&A session where he talked about his plan, why he did the things that he did, and more of his past. Yet, still no answer on the Iron Mask.
So Zoom now has Barry’s power, and while he agreed to not kill him … he took Caitlin instead. Ugh, why do the villains keep capturing her? This episode was gut-wrenching, powerful, and even at times sad. It did have some nice moments such as Cisco coming to terms with his powers and Wally moving in with Joe, but isn’t it hard to concentrate on them give how screwed the good guys really are? Grade: A-.
If you do want to get some other news on “The Flash,” head over here to read our preview for what is coming up next! Also, sign up over here to secure some other TV news via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: The CW.)