‘Game of Thrones’ season 6: Lena Headey on big season ahead for Cersei

LogoWith the sixth season of “Game of Thrones” (finally!) coming to HBO on Sunday, we certainly hope that there are going to be some exciting things ahead for almost the entire cast. This includes Lena Headey’s character of Cersei Lannister, who we certainly expect some big things from given the horrible things that happened to her last year with being so publicly shamed in King’s Landing.

As Headey tells Entertainment Weekly, everything from her humiliation to the return of Jaime could end up motivating her, and we could see the character unhinged in a way that we have not seen to date:

“It’s probably her most interesting season – because now she really has nothing to lose and she has everything to gain from a horrible position she finds herself in. Her relationship with Jaime is at an all-time weird level. Even though they’re back together, a part of her must f–king hate him. He let Tyrion go. He failed to protect Myrcella.”

Maybe they’ll work a few things out between the two of them. After all, they’ll need to be on the same page to battle the ever-increasing-in-power Faith Militant, who may still have Margaery Tyrell under their control. Cersei does seemingly have the Mountain (or whatever you want to call him now), but we figure that there are only so many people he can kill at one time.

Hopefully, we’ll have some more news on the season as we get closer to the premiere. Be on the lookout for some further scoop!

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