‘Game of Thrones’ season 6 spoilers: Maisie Williams on Arya’s ‘underdog’ season

Arya -Over the course of the past several seasons, Arya Stark has come across as one of the more capable characters on “Game of Thrones.” While she may be one of the smaller people fighting in Westeros, at the same exact time you have seen what she is capable of, and how much damage she can inflict thanks to both her sneakiness and also her thirst for revenge.

Granted, many of her actions were done when she still had eyes. As a result of what happened last season, The House of Black and White have punished her; she may have a second chance, but it comes without the ability to see what she is doing. As Maisie Williams tells TVLine, this creates a very new dynamic for this character as she has lost a lot of control in her destiny, and what she may be capable of doing:

“She’s still very much the student. And she’s still very much the underdog. She’s not the same Arya that we’ve seen in previous seasons. Sometimes, you watch Arya scenes and you think, ‘She’s got this. Don’t worry.’ This is a season where you watch and go, ‘Oh, she really doesn’t.’”

We do still very much root for Arya to succeed, mostly because we want to think that she has learned somewhat about how to handle things the right way, and is in more of a situation moving forward where she can do just that. Even if she does not, we’re at least confident that her story will be compelling. We just want to see her on more of a collision course with the other characters than we’ve seen so far. With reports coming out there that there may be only thirteen episodes of the series left after this season is done, that does not give a lot of time to tell the remainder of the story.

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