‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: A Veto winner, Ramsey’s rough day, and game-talk

Ramsey -Tonight on “Big Brother Canada” has certainly been eventful, even if the live feeds were down for the majority of the day thanks to the Power of Veto Competition.

In the end, the winner was Ramsey for the second time this season, which does prove further just how difficult he could be to get out. With that, Maddy now seems like the person who will go home … or does she? There will of course be thoughts that maybe he will give Maddy the Veto, but we really don’t see that happening when the dust settles … provided that he just doesn’t want to leave the game. There was a situation earlier for him that may have involved some news from home, and he certainly seemed distraught for some time. However, he seems to have recovered from what was ailing him.

As for the likely replacement nominee, Phil and Nick have already made it clear that they want Maddy out, and they just want this to be a pawn. That’s why Tim, who had previously volunteered, is a possibility. Cassandra and Nikki are slightly worried about it, but if the brothers are certain that they want Maddy out, they just need three votes from the rest of the house to make that happen. He’s got Nikki and Cass, and there is very little chance that Kelsey would decide in a million years to keep her in the game.

We’ll see what we learn overnight, and be back in the morning with some further information.

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