‘The Vampire Diaries’ season 7, episode 18 review: Stefan and Valerie say goodbye
How many ‘shippers are there for Stefan and Valerie in”The Vampire Diaries” fandom? We’re not sure that there were that many as opposed as some other ‘ships that are out there, and it is with that in mind we cannot say that there will be a whole army of people out there upset over what we saw between these two characters on Friday night’s new episode.
So let’s not waste any time, that way we can just get to the nitty-gritty of it all: These two characters are done. The breakup actually was a little more heartbreaking than we imagine that it would be, mostly because they do have all of that history and they had the experience of a lengthy stretch of time thanks to the jump forward. However, we never seriously imagined that this is where the Stefan character would end up.
In some ways, the bigger surprise was watching the end of the road for Damon and Alaric seemingly as friends, thanks mostly to the latter’s realization that there is really not anything of value that would come with continuing to put Caroline and the children in danger. He doesn’t want to live that life anymore, and it may be the most adult thing that any person has ever done on this show. It’s amazing that it has taken so many years to get to this point.
Since this review for Friday’s episode has been mostly all about relationships (and it was also quite good, mind you), we may as well focus with the most complicated one of all in Bonnie and Enzo, which almost feels like Stockholm Syndrome now that we have the full story about what she has been through. We’re not sure if she loves him because she genuinely does, or out of guilt or some other complex set of emotions. Episode Grade: B+.
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