‘Big Brother Canada 4’ review: What’s the next Wildcard twist? (Spoilers!)
It’s a little funny that we were watching most of Wednesday night’s new episode of “Big Brother Canada“, mostly because of the fact that we knew Jared won the Veto, removed himself from the block, and Raul went up in his place from the live feeds. Meanwhile, we also knew that were going to see a ton of Jared and Kelsey, the spin-the-bottle game, and some of the ridiculous aftermath of it.
Ultimately, we were here to see the latest wildcard twist in action! We knew that it would involve Canada’s vote, and it turns out that it is a big one: Canada will vote for who should be the next Head of Household, and the top two vote-getters will compete for the honor.
As for who it is likely to be, that’s a really interesting question since there are differences between casual viewers and feedsters, especially this season where the edit has been very off from the feeds at times. The Third Wheel, for example, comes off to us way worse on the feeds than the show.
We think that one of the choices is almost sure to be a slam-dunk in Nikki, since everyone wants to see what she is like when she has a little bit of power. As for the other, we can see casual viewers really liking Joel or Tim, while we envision feed fans likely going for either Tim or Cassandra, especially since the latter being in power would force her to pick a side and cause some interesting ripples in the house.
Back to the rest of the episode: The Veto was a pretty impressive build in the form of a maze, there was a good segment on Cassandra, and for the most part, we’d say that at least the show gave a lot of different people airtime. Better than some others this season. Grade: B+.
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