‘Game of Thrones’ season 6: Who’s the one person to (supposedly) get advance copies?

LogoLeading up to the season 6 premiere of “Game of Thrones” on Sunday, April 24, HBO has made quite a big deal of just how secretive things are this time around. Specifically, not a single advance screener has been sent out in what is being deemed mostly a security issue. While there may be a lot of effort into making sure no written spoilers are out there, we actually think that this is more due to ensuring that there are no leaks after the first four episodes of season 5 hit the internet early.

With all of this being said, it looks like there may still be one person out there who has been able to check out episodes in advance, and it’s none other than the President of the United States! Speaking on an official HBO Facebook stream, executive producers David Benioff and Dan Weiss teased that President Obama often asks for advance episodes of the show; Weiss described it as an “a-ha” moment for them realizing just how much people love the show.

As for whether or not Obama actually receives them, Benioff said the following:

“When the Commander-in-Chief says, ‘I want to see advanced episodes,’ what are you gonna do?”

Ultimately, we don’t think that Obama is currently off somewhere pirating the episodes, so everything will probably be just fine for HBO. Also, we assume that he’s not spending his days talking with people in his cabinet about whether or not Jon Snow actually remains dead.

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