‘Outlander’ season 2, episode 2 video: Jamie, Claire begin their plot

Claire -

The second season of “Outlander” kicked off with what was, at least in some ways, a transitional episode for the series. In this installment, we saw the arrival of Jamie and Claire Fraser to France, and in the process they started to form their new place within the Jacobite Rebellion. Jamie also found himself a new position working for Jared Fraser while he was away, which is going to entrench him even further within the country.

So where are we going on this weekend’s new episode? As the promo below indicates, the costume factor is going to ratchet up a notch as Jamie and Claire look everywhere to catch wind of plans, and also hope to plant their own influence on matters. They’ll head into a brothel, and also look at the French court. Eventually, there will be a meeting with Prince Charles that provides some opportunities.

Even though we are away from Scotland, there will somehow be some other familiar faces that turn up over the course of the episode. This includes the Duke of Sandringham, who certainly has a history of his own with Jamie and Claire. Could he find a way to damage their plans?

The first episode was excellent in both laying out the situation in France and also showing us the eventual journey to America for Claire and Frank Randall in the 1940s. With that in mind, expectations are going to be high to see if this episode can match everything we’ve seen to date.

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